This evening I spent some time over in the workshop drilling and tapping bolt holes for the inverter, which I've decided to mount on the rear of the main column. There were also many holes in the column from earlier fittings, so I decided to fill all of these before I start any painting. Again I'm probably being a bit too precious about this but I do want it to look nice.
I want to cover the inverter and have some sheet steel (stainless I believe) in the workshop that I can use for this. That will ensure the shavings don't clog up the works. I also had a thought about making a tray for between the lathe feet, which would catch most of the shavings and make hoovering these up much easier. I'll have a ponder about this over the next few days.
The last job this evening was another coat for the Banjo. I'll be able to put this back on again soon.

That's looking a lot better. Now all I need to do is paint the main column of the lathe, so I'm going to need some more primer as I've nearly used the existing tin up.